Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Solutions to Alg Word Problems posted Dec 4th

Solutions to Dec 4th post of alg word problems....try working the problems before looking at the solutions.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Algebra Word Problems

This is a new algebra word problem worksheet, however more word problems can be found in my blogs the week of 6/5-6/12/2011 along with some notes comparing ratio and proportion solutions and algebraic solutions to some word problems. Solutions to those word problems can be found in blogs the week of 5/15-5/22/2011.Solutions to the problems below will be added within the week.
The problems below is an edited copy of my original post. Problem #9 originally had a perimeter for the rectangle that would not have resulted in whole number answers...the perimeter will now yield a whole number answer as I had originally intended.