Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reading a Scale & Word Problem Strategy

Fraction Word Problem Worksheet and Solutions

Aug 22 2010...2nd Period Class 7:30 - 9:00 Fraction Word Problems and their solutions can be found on the blog created during the week of 5/16 -5/23. The last few problems may differ slightly from the ones I handed out in class from an older worksheet...Many of you are still struggling with reading a scale, so I am working on an explantion page that I hope will be helpful to you...I will post it sometime this evening (Sunday 22) or Monday morning.

1st Period Class...on Tues 24th I will go over the solutions to the percent worksheet and start on word problems that can be solved using ratios. I will post this worksheet on Mon 23rd if you wish to get an early look at these problems.

Bruce Cohen