Monday, October 25, 2010

Solutions to first fraction worksheet

Fraction Multiplication and Diviision

Fraction Notes and Worksheets

ISS sightings possible this week on 10/26 & 10/28

Above I have a Satellite view of the Cobb Adult Education Center which shows the paths that the International Space Station will be following on Tues 10/26 and Thurs 10/28. If the weather is clear enough to see the sky, the Space Station only be 12 and 25 degrees off from flying straight over(90deg) the school. It should be visible for approximately 3 minutes on both days. The map shows the direction from which the Space Station will approach and depart. This is a good learning opportunity to explore angles and compass readings. I plan on taking my second period students outside to watch it at 7:52 if it is a clear night.

Monday, October 11, 2010

integer addition process

• Positive integers are to the right of zero on a number line.
• Negative integers are to the left of zero on a number line.
• Zero is neither positive nor negative.
• > means greater than, < means less than
• An integer is larger than a given integer if it is to the right of that integer on a number line. -4 > -5 and 5 > 4. (-4 is greater than -5 and 5 is greater than 4)
• The absolute value of an integer is its distance from zero. Distance is always a positive number. The symbol for absolute value is |#| |-4| is 4 (-4 is 4 units away from zero)… |5| is 5 (5 is 5 units away from zero).
Addition on a number line
Start at the first number given and go in the direction and magnitude of the second number. (You would actually start at zero and go in the direction and magnitude of the first number and that is why the first number can be considered your starting point)
RULE FOR ADDING 2 NUMBERS WITH THE SAME SIGNS (both numbers are either positive numbers or they are both negative numbers) – ADD THE MAGNITUDE OF THE NUMBERS (absolute value of that number) AND KEEP THE SIGN OF BOTH NUMBERS

RULE FOR ADDING 2 NUMBERS WITH THE OPPOSITE SIGNS (adding a positive number to a negative number or adding a negative number to a positive number…addition is commutative which means the order in which the numbers are written does not matter in the valuation of their sum…3 + 4 = 4 + 3 , -2 + (-5) = -5+ (-2) , 5 + (- 3) = -3 + 5
* All integers or numbers are considered to be positive unless they are preceded by a negative sign. If the second number is negative it will usually have a parenthesis around it to avoid the confusion…….. -3 + -4 looks confusing so it is written instead as -3 + (-4)….some books put the negative sign near the top of the number to avoid this confusion…
Most books state the rule for adding 2 integers with opposite signs is to take the absolute value of the two numbers and subtract the smaller number from the larger number, giving the answer the sign of the larger number. This simply means that if you went 7 units in the positive direction and only 5 units in the negative direction (opposite direction of positive) you would end up 2 units on the positive side of the number line. If you go 5 units in the negative direction and then 9 units in the positive direction you would end up 4 units on the positive side of the number line.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Review Material for TABE

On the right hand side of the blog, there is an index of my blogs...if you click on any week, a list of topics of my blogs appears underneath that date...some useful blogs to review follow:

wk of 12/06-12/13 cumulative review; fractions,
wk of 11/29-12/05 integer explantions of number line and integer operations
decimal place value and decimal operations.
wk of 8/22-8/29 strategies for solving word problems; reading scales
1/17-1/24 estimation in division problems
7/11-7/18 multiplication table; long division; order of operations
estimating mult and div.
3/21-3/28 condensed review material for both M and D level TABE
1/24-1/31 explantion and examble of GCF and LCM
2/28-3/7 measurement problems
1/31-2/7 fraction word problems...also in wk 8/1-8/8
3/14-3/21 geometry....identifying polygons, area, perimeter measurements
1/10-1/17 geometry....identifying angles..right angle, acute angle,
obtuse angle, degrees in triangles and other polygons.
3/28-4/4 algebra (on GED) graphing points and lines on a graph, slope,
cross product used to solve ratios

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Review problems for D level TABE

These review problems include integers and percents; both topics which are not covered on the M level TABE.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Decimal Notes and Worksheet

Ratio and Proportion Solutions to Worksheet

The solution to problem 4 has been corrected. If you downloaded my original answer, replace the solution to problem 4. The ratio is the same as in problem 3, but I originally answered the many preferred Pepsi, instead of the correct many preferred Coca Cola.